Dating brazil
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Knowing how important it was for me to go for runs, at least once, he went running with me…wearing flip flops because he had forgotten sneakers , motivating me every step of the way. I came here looking for some insite on dating, love, cheating, etc.
You need to learn how to tell if a girl is a. Badoo allows you to meet and chat with new caballeros around the world, forming new social circles and finding dates. My dream is for a border-free world. Our culture is much more religious. Over 100,000 people join Badoo every day, dating brazil there are always new Brazilian guys and girls to make friends with. Well, I could not have been more between…soon after, he fell off the face of the earth.
This will continue to happen until you take the time to complete your full profile. Using a dating sites to have a distance relationship is a safe start. If you do not know where to search, we can give you a hint. In the US, the Facebook relationship status is not taken so seriously.
The Best Brazil Dating Website! - Yes, I have been in a few of them in Brazil.
From my 5-month relationship with a Brazilian guy to my short time being single in Rio, there are a few things I have learned about dating in Brazil. Keep in mind that some of this may be a bit generalized obviously not everyone is this way ; the opinions shared are simply based on my own experience and observations. And for independent North Americans, can even be considered clingy. This is one instance where the independent American culture clashes with the dependent Brazilian culture. I have heard that if one goes out without their boyfriend or girlfriend in Brazil, it sends the message to other people that they are single. Even when they go out together, Brazilian couples tend to stay attached at the hip. But Brazilian men do not like to watch their ladies being hit on. If another guy touched me when I was with him Brazilians are super touchy-feely! While I do think a little bit of jealousy is healthy in a relationship — it shows that the person cares — I found that Brazilians tend to be jealous to an unhealthy level. But if you trust the person, then why should you feel the need to check their messages and invade their privacy? To me, this sort of behavior is simply unacceptable. Since being in Brazil, I have gotten more used to it, since everyone seems to do it, but it just has always seemed so cheesy and high-schoolish to me. In the US, the Facebook relationship status is not taken so seriously. But why should I have to let the entire Facebook world know who I am dating? He was saying that everyone is in a relationship here, which I found interesting. And sad, as well, that people feel such a compulsion to be in relationships here. Since when did it become such a bad thing to be single? Sometimes I wish that I were less picky when it comes to dating — but unfortunately, it is not easy for me to feel an attraction to someone, actually have enough interest in that person to date them and also have that feeling reciprocated. And personally, there is no greater turn-off to me than a guy who is always namorando someone — every girl wants a picky guy — to be chosen. In the US, dating is a bit more practical and less rushed — people like to take their time, date different people probably simultaneously and then make an educated decision. In the US, we even have a word for discussing the relationship status, since people normally date more than one person at once — DTR or Define The Relationship. While I obviously did not completely take his words to heart, I did actually like this guy at the time and took his words to mean that he actually liked me too Cut me some slack — it was my first experience with a Brazilian man. Well, I could not have been more wrong…soon after, he fell off the face of the earth. She explained that the men here are very passionate — but with that passion, comes fleeting relationships and insincerity. Many Brazilian men talk in the moment, without thinking much about what they are really saying. It makes sense in a way since this is a culture that is full of passion and warmth. But it also makes you question if the person really means it. My suspicions were confirmed after watching Friends with Portuguese subtitles great way to learn Portuguese by the way! But in Brazil, cheating is extremely commonplace. All the same, if you decide to date a Brazilian, be careful, is all I have to say — men and women alike. That means that there are many 30+ year olds living with their parents. I think this is in part due to Brazilian culture, which has extremely close family ties and a very dependent culture — as opposed to American culture, which is much more independent and kids leave home at 18. Financially speaking, it is understandable that many Brazilians live with their parents. But in the US, women find it to be a huge turn-off and even a deal breaker if a guy lives with his parents. Since being single, I have been on a few dates here. The ones I have been on all tend to be last-minute encounters — guys are extremely flaky and never really plan in advance here. I have also had several guys marcar set up a date and then never follow through. This has happened to me several times. Once again, you can always find exceptions here. I have also met some Brazilian men that do follow through with their plans although they are few and far between, I must admit! Luckily for me, my ex was one of those people — when he said he wanted to meet me, he actually meant it. If we had plans to meet, he never bailed. These are a few of the compliments that a girl might hear in Brazil. Guys have no qualms about telling a woman she is beautiful. There is no word for this in Portuguese because this sort of thing is simply implicit. In Brazil, like many Latino cultures, it is totally normal and expected for couples to make out and touch one another in public. Even on a first date, Brazilian men tend to be very touchy-feely about an hour after meeting a girl kissing her on the cheek, holding her hand…. Carinho affection is a very important part of dating and relationships in Brazil. The other night, I was at a bar and this Brazilian guy approached me. Upon starting a conversation, he immediately wrapped his hand around my waist and started to get way too close for comfort. Not being the most assertive person, I tried to shove his hand away the best I could. But this type of physical aggressiveness is very normal in Brazil. If you are on a date with someone or meet a guy in a bar here, rest assured, he will try to kiss you just moments after meeting you. A Brazilian once told me once that 5 minutes is a long time to wait to kiss someone. They will either flat out try to kiss the girl or tell her that they want to beijar kiss. So guys are in luck — Brazilian girls generally do not hold out long to kiss guys. Keep in mind, however, that kissing does not mean much of anything in Brazil. Then make her laugh a couple times and touch a lot and after that go for the kiss. Just go for it. It may take a couple tries. So if the girl is actually not interested, she has to be rude to the guy for him to get the picture. I once met a Brazilian guy in a gay club in Paris of all places! I love how close and involved families are in Brazil. In the US, people wait a while to introduce their significant other to their parents and to bring a girl or guy home to the family. When I was dating my ex-boyfriend, it felt like I had a second family in Brazil. They were always super welcoming and warm, making me feel right at home whenever I was a guest- and they always cooked mouthwatering, home-cooked food! Between showering you with compliments, being touchy-feely and seductively locking eyes with you, it can be hard to resist the charm of many Brazilian men — even when you know the guy is completely full of it! The first time I fell under the spell of a Brazilian man was when I went out with this Carioca guy in Paris a few times who just exuded confidence and sexiness. He was the definition of suave. There was something about him that just pulled me in. Despite all of my instincts and friends telling me that he was a total player, I still fell for him…Since then, I have learned to be much more cautious when faced with the Brazilian charm! Despite the cultural conflicts that I encountered with my ex, we managed to work through them and had a great six-month relationship. Proof that Brazilian men can make great boyfriends? When I came back from the US, he came to meet me at the airport at 7AM he had to wake up at about 4am to be there in time to help with my luggage — never once complaining about it. He always spoke to me in Portuguese even though he loved to speak English , because he knew that I preferred that. Whenever we went out together, he would insist on carrying my purse for me — not caring how it may look on him or however heavy it might be. He preferred that to me carrying it. Knowing how important it was for me to go for runs, at least once, he went running with me…wearing flip flops because he had forgotten sneakers , motivating me every step of the way. He was so caring and always worried about me going out alone, taking taxis by myself etc. When we first started dating, he would always come to my house to pick me up, even though it was far out of the way for him. He was so helpful. He was willing to do whatever it took to please me and make me happy, whether that be watching T he Bachelor or another chick flick or making a bunch of Brazilian DVDs with Portuguese subtitles for me to help me learn Portuguese. He always offered to give me massages. He would always ask me if I needed anything, even at my own house. He knew me inside and out and loved the hell out of me — even with all of my little imperfections. And the best part of all? Unlike many Brazilian men, I knew that he was genuine about everything that he said and did. I have never read so much misleading and false information in my life. I was born and raised in Brasil and I have the whole authority to call this bullshit. I can point out a lie in each paragraph and you are really full of yourself. Only Americans like to say I love you to everyone at any time. We rarely say I love you to a boyfriend or vice versa, because when we do, we really mean it. Boys in Brasil are very confident and do not cling to you as this phony article suggests. Brasileiros live in their parents house till they marry because that is the smart way to live. Everybody contributes to the house expenses and your parents are not renting your room as soon as you get into college. We care for each other and our morals and family values are very high. As a girl who always went out with friends, I can tell that we Brazilian girls know how to have fun without our boyfriends. They are very respectful of our space and so are we when they go out with their buddies. However, maybe the company you had is reflective of the type of people you attract. You are very condescending, and have no credibility by constantly reiterating misconceptions from non-Brazilians. I have never heard of someone so angry and full of hatred! Everyone is entitled To their own opinion and I am entitled to mine. Do you even know me? In romantic relationships, this is a completely different story. Brazilians themselves have told me that many Brazilian men are full of it when they say this. The fact that you say Brazilian guys give girls space is just laughable. To Americans at least, It is important to learn to be independent, self sufficient and pay your own bills-this means living on your own. Maybe you need to learn to accept some outside criticism about your country and learn to look at it from a different angle. Because many people agreed with me on this article. I know that the US and our culture is far from perfect and I am the first to admit that. She was very rude. I am born and raised in Brazil too, and all you said is right and part of your experience here. That makes me feel better. I know that they are generalizations and of course everyone is different. I find that to be a bit upsetting. And for the record, I wrote ANOTHER article on dating in Brazil — about all the positive things. So while this blog post was primarily negative, I see that there are also some good things about dating a Brazilian guy. To Americans at least, It is important to learn to be independent, self sufficient and pay your own bills-this means living on your own. My father, my two maternal uncles and my first cousin by my father side, all lived with their relatives to some extent in their lives before they married and all of them now have their own families and business. My father for example, founded his first company in his 30s, my younger uncle is founding his own now in his 30s too, and my cousin has his since he was in his mid 30s. Actually, one of my friends uncle is in his 50s, single and still live with his mother, despite that he is also successful, working with advocacy and has his own firm. He could live somewhere alone? Yes, he could but why would he? He has no wife or kids of his own that would demand a space for them alone and so does someone who chose to stay at their relatives until marriage. If you think otherwise, is because that culture is alien to you — take spartans, for example, sometimes in their history, their way to become independent and self sufficient was way more hardcore than not sharing bills. They would perceive the american way the same way you perceive ours. Maybe my family and my friends families are lucky, or maybe it works afterall? Obvious, not everyone is going to get a successful career and neat home and may end the rest of their lives living with their relatives even after married? Yes and one of my nieces is probably going to end that way since she made mistakes. However you cannot deny many will not, or will atleast manage to make themselves a living, and you cannot deny too, that many Americans who follow your logic end broken, in debt, as beggars or ironically back into their relatives home in the end. Great good it made them. Aside from that a few things I agree with you based on what I lived myself. First, that people here and not only men tend to be quick to exchange touching. But from what I got, a lot depends on where you is. But the location you go really make a lot of difference. I am carioca and now I live in Tampa. If you dont mind, I would to promote my free website here once is related to the subject. It is a website that connects Brazilian people with American people. We are very serious site and 100% monitored. All profiles and photos need to be approved before go online. I am brazilian sorry my english , my family is more traditional about relationships. Instead, i and much brazilians are different. I and much brazilian men are educated for marry and to have traditional family and relationship. We meet a girlfriend to get marry for life, our relationship is not about one weekend, is for life. Tips about traditional brazilian men: 1 Yes, we would like too have traditional marry and family. We would like childrens and a feminin wife. Our culture is much more religious. I will go out of Brazil some day and i wait meet a traditional woman, probably a brazilian women. Because non-brazilian are very strangers about brazilian marry culture. I respect your culture, but hook up, and independence between couple is very stranger for me. Tips about liberal brazilians men: 1 They want sex, just it. Nothing was rude either, and ethnocentrism is very human unfortunately and sometimes cannot be helped. In many cultures it means living with your family because you like it and it is cultural custom. Obviously, people split the bill, even with things like a mortgage. Some Italian families have multigenerational homes and even businesses these cultures rarely send the elderly to old folks home , this is also common in latin america and none of these people are any less independent. I find it intriguing that we inevitably look at things through a subjective cultural lense, but no one should take offence as it is human nature and; we all do it to some extent at some point or another. This article is mostly about your breakup and disappointment.. As for me I considered Brasilian men the best lovers and companions in and outside the bedroom.. And they are not jealous or possessive as you pointed out … They give girls their space to be independent woman they trust their girlfriends , the question here should be are you trustable? For me Brasiliean men are the best so far in everything …. And you my sweet girl need to see more Outside your wow bubble and mature a lot , before you open your mouth to judge , write and try to destroy the reputation of every single men in one country of Brasil Like I really liked your article. As a brazilian girl in a relationship with an american guy it is interesting to read about the opposite experience. Also, the girls night out thing is very common in my area, me and my girlfriends do that a lot, usually to bars. Great article though, mostly very accurate and with a good understanding of the reasons behind everything. Ficar is our date and we hang out with someone at least 1 month until we get really involved with someone. Your experience is, as we all should know, unique and — this is to all the readers that will take yours as a dogma and start hatred speeches — shall not be considered as a rule. Sério, parece que vocês andam com tijolos dentro delas! Bom… Poderíamos rachar as sacolas de compras, pelo menos. One last advice: if you have some time to expend, take some trips to other cities of our country. However, I think you spent a little bit of time down there to understand completely the culture. I agree with you that brazilian are a little jealous, expressive and affectionate. So, it makes many couples to go out together and maybe this is the reason that many Brazilian man and woman are a little bit jealous. Also, I would like to add that Brazilians are quite intelligent and charming, and yes, without doubt we can be the best boyfriends. What I think about Brazil is that there is many different people, and our culture is pretty different from one region to another, so you are right in many things, but I think you did not meet the best from Brazil yet. She came to the US with her son cause he wanted to play tennis at an academy and from day 1 she seemed like a genuine sweet and warm nice person. The more I got to know the more I started seeing red flags. My son also plays tennis and she started speaking for myself without even asking me if I agree to something, she would always want things done for her and she would make rude gestures if me or my husband would not comply to what she wanted us to do. Then I found out she was dating this American and using him for papers and sleeping with a Brazilian behind his back who btw has an American fiancé. All she ever talked about is how people from Sao Paulo are superior than any other Brazilian and if she would see a Brazilian here in Orlando there are so many she would talk so bad about them to make herself feel superior. In addition, her perspective and attitude is wayyyy to ethnocentric! When you travel, stop telling other people to act more American. That seems to be a massive generalization to me. As a whole, I too love Brazilians. This article simply noted the cultural differences that I experienced while living in Brazil. In which instance did I sound egocentric and how? Have you dated many Brazilians or lived in Brazil? If so, then please refute the relevant points in my article with intelligence and examples. And certainly not in such an absurd and inane way. By the way, before you call yourself American, I suggest that you learn how to speak proper English. Like Hey , sweetie. We generally find nice people in unexpected places. Anyway , hope you liked our country! I wanted to live,find a wife,and retire there but now I think otherwise. I met one online huge mistake on a Brazilian site. But she was affectionate and friendly. She worked in a Bank. She was really forward about marriage and coming here which raised red flags. But I understand because the way she described Brazil,she said it was over-priced poverty which I came later on to find out its true. She said she did not like Brazilian men because of the promiscuity and culture. But she was being hypocritical because she told me she slept with a married man before. She has had many online boyfriends and probably other affairs prior to me. In fact,she tried to defend it,Anyway, months down the line,she would start arguments and fights. Exes would pop up out of nowhere. And to an extent,was still keeping in touch with other exes. Male friends would appear. She would give strange signals. Come to find out through her Facebook,she started fawking some dude she worked out with. We decided we where going to be friends. Come to find out that she was on 4 other dating sites while she was with me and dealing him for 1 year. My dream is still to date an American. I like him alot. He treats me well and gets along with my child. Are All Brazilians cheaters…No,of course not. But cheating in there culture is very,very active. For both the men and women. And I hate to say it,they Brazilians have a reputation and some people warrant the character and stereotype. I love the feminity of the women,the look,grace, family culture, and social friendly enviroment they have. But I would not venture into a relationship with another one. Just my 2 cents. Like How did it pan out when you broke up with your Brazilian bf, especially as you were close to his family? Were you fb friends with all of them, then unfriend everyone? My estranged husband hooked up with a Brazilian woman soon after leaving our marriage. They were all over fb together he told me she did that and in no time he was meeting her family and became their fb friend. What do you understand about the dynamics of such relationships within Brazilian society? Like Hy Mary how are you? I am brazilian but there is some things I would like to say to you that not all the brazilian boys are like this. Well about living with parents it is because of financial problems, but if we can rent a place or marry someone we get out of the house of parents. And my question is, am I more american than brazilian? Bye tchau Like Hy Mary how are you? I am brazilian but there is some things I would like to say to you that not all the brazilian boys are like this. Well about living with parents it is because of financial problems, but if we can rent a place or marry someone we get out of the house of parents. And my question is, am I more american than brazilian? Bye tchau Like I really appreciate your article. I came here looking for some insite on dating, love, cheating, etc. I just recently got my heart completely shattered by a Brazilian guy I dated for over 6 months. I am so hurt and confused. I caught him trying to cheat with a fake girl my best friend and I made up on Facebook. Through this I found out he has also had a girlfriend for the past TWO YEARS consecutively including during our entire relationship. I found out who she was and told her. She is also an American and was completely heart broken and shocked but so appreciate that I told her. We both broke up with him. He was so loving, generous, and caring for me. Our relationship has never been just about sex. Or occasionally go hangout with his friends and family. He opened up to me about so many things in his life. He accidentally said he loved me one time and was really shocked, hesitant, and nervous of what my reaction would be. He was telling all of his friends I was his girlfriend, always introducing me to even his family as his gf which supposedly he also introduced the other to all the same people, also as his gf He surprised me with gifts a couple of times randomly which really surprised and shock the other girl when I told her this He seemed so passionate about me and we fought a couple of times and I almost broke up with him both times and it really seemed to hurt him so much but he would never accept the break up those two times and would always find a way to talk things out with me. His reactions towards both sides of the situation make it seem as though I was the side bxtch the entire time and that he has never actually cared for me and that everything was a lie and an act??? How do I interpret all of this? Is it more complex then I think or was my whole relationship fake and a lie? Is this normal for those certain Brazilians that tend to be unfaithful??? Is this normal for males from São Paulo?? His entire friend group and family knew about both me and the other girl the whole time. How could my boyfriend be like what they said. Every single one of his actions counter acted what my friends told me about São Paulo boys. Did he actually ever even care about me at all????? Thoughts, opinions, insight from brazilian commenters would be greatly appreciated. Like I met this cute guy, fun, helpful from Brazil it was my friend for 2 years before we become gf and bf ,I started to involve more and more with Brazilians , and the red flags started , one day I came from work and his friends at my house drinking beer with out my permission they break thru the window his reactions? I was so scared of dating after this! Like Also I forgot to add one detail. Not to sound conceited, but I am a very attractive girl and have many guys trying to get with me constantly. That has always made my Brazilian very protective and jealous. Also many people have been very shocked when they found out who his other girlfriend was, although she does seem very nice kind, she is not particularly very attractive. Like Hi, I stumbled upon this article and I found it to be absolutely true and also very enjoyable to read! I saw that you had a few comments from Brazilians debating the accuracy of what you wrote; however it is clear to me you are writing from your own vantage point which is of a non-Brazilian woman. The exact same things happened to me while living in Rio. I love the culture in Rio and absolutely loved my time living there! Like am writing this article to thank doctor Ebhos spiritaul for the wondrous miracle that he did for me because he helped me recently to bring back my ex wife. Ebhos spiritaul help others get back there ex lovers, make others to win big on lottery, cure of any sickness. Stopped about number 5. You were telling your guy, a Brazilian in Brazil, to be more American when you went out? Then girls like it better when they are asked out the American way? Everything they do is the American way, with them being in America and all. Like These points are pretty spot-on. I am in a relationship in the US with a Brazilian man, and it is amazing and also extremely challenging at times. I am slowly learning to not put American expectations on him as I learn more about his culture and how relationships work in Brazil, because it is quite different from that of American culture. Like This is soooo true! I am not Brazilian but I lived in Brazil for a year and I know exactly how men are, its quite funny how different it is compared to how we as Americans act. The guys here in the USA are really different. I am falling in love with a Brazilian guy, right now… Its so weird, mais fazer o que ne? O nosso coração é assim as vezes né. Tem que arriscar, mais eu sou super apaixonada pela cultura Brasileira pela lingua Portuguesa, pelo meu amorizinho, kk enfim, ate mais, beijoss! Like Hello Paula, Very nice article, and for sure some tips for the future to come. I am moving for Brazil Brasil, in Portuguese in January, and I have the advantage to speak their language as I am Portuguese. I work in the IT field as System Engineer and due to my work, I can be a little bit shy and nerdy I guess I spend to much time talking with computers. It is just for exploring and see how it goes, etc. I don´t know, but any tips would de be wonderful. Well, I will for sure pay attention to this and see if there is any tips and I am glad there are people from everywhere sharing their experiences. THanKs to you… Like My experience dating an American girl. I am a Brazilian doctor who lives abroad. Her best girlfriend also experienced cheating when her husband had sex with his employee who worked with both of them. Most of people in her small town report cheating stories. I have never seen something like this before! My Brazilian friends and relatives do not believe on it! She and her sisters have a lot of fears, and are afraid of relationships. One of her sisters is not able to keep a long-term relationship. The other one who is married avoids doing social activities with her husband since she feels ashamed of him; she does not provide him any room, and controls everything! The guy is drinking and working overtime. My ex-girlfriend was married twice, and she already was dating someone only two weeks after she broke up with me! It is not about love but control and power! I am sure this profile is not representing American people at all, as I also do not believe the profile you described represents Brazilian people. We just have to find them! Like My experience dating an American girl. This kind of experience is common in the small town where they live as my ex-girlfriend told me. Most of people share similar experiences. She and her sisters have a lot of fears. One of her sisters is ashamed of doing social activities with her husband, and puts too much pressure on him, who compensates it drinking a lot and working overtime. Another one is not able to keep long-lasting relationships. My ex-girlfriend is following the same control and possessive strategies. She already got married twice, and was dating someone two weeks after we end up our relationship! It is not about love but control and possession. I have never seen something like this before. My friends in Brazil still do not believe. I am sharing it since this represents a bigger picture than just my own relationship. However, I do not think my experience represents American people, as well as I believe the profile you described does not represent Brazilian people. We just have to find the right people regardless of their nationality, American or Brazilian! If someday I like someone. I can not prove my affection. After all, if women want to go out by themselves. What is the purpose of becoming one person. The Brazilian man has passion, is affectionate. What woman does not want to be loved. Of course, there is a conflict of cultures. The Brazilian is adaptable. Other sites I read, they say. How good it is to date a Brazilian. As am American man who has had relationships with Brazilian women both in Brazil and in the U. They charge by the hour, are very discreet, and the rooms cater to sexual encounters. Yes, I have been in a few of them in Brazil. Some of them are very elaborate, and made for wonderful sexual indiscretions and fantasies. My point is, the motels are very discreet, and are an accepted part of Brazilian society. There does seem to be a lot of cheating there in relationships, both by men and women. But things roll differently in Brazil…it almost seems that some couples there feel the need to take a break from the relationship every so often. Those motels are ubiquitous in Brazil! Like I can totally relate to many things you said here -though I am dating them in Europe, so it is a bit different — and I do not think there is anything bad said here, it is only a point of view and your own experience, which is fine. Based on the wast of the woman and man I met, I feel them to be shallow when it is about relationships OF COURSE WITH EXCEPTIONS , some of my friends admit this too, others not, and this is okay too. On the other hand, I am now in such phase of my life now when I am blinded by them and I behave like one of them, but now I want to make up those 15 years i spent in marriage while i supposed to be a teenager and date guys. I know it is not the right thing, because deep in myself I have different values I was married 15 y and never cheated on my ex plus i am really a relationship type of person, but the next one I want to choose better, but before that I want to meet men. He takes things slowly and I have to admit now I am confused as the last 5 years divorced I dated more man, mostly Brazilians and had always the same impression that these guys are maybe the best lovers, but also not accountable and not for relationships. But I learned this guy is a bit of a type I need to leave him to conquest me, but also to push him a bit,. I dated Brazilian man who told me, in Brazil woman makes the choice its e. We were out in a bar and some guy approached me if i had a lighter and said something. It was our 2nd date and the Brazilian guy turned to me asking: was he now flirting with you in front of me? Obviously as he did not speak Hungarian he did not know what was happening, but on the other hand I am not sure why he immediately thought of flirting? But it was cute actually. Anyway, he was married to a European woman who was very control freak and he told me he hated she never allowed him to go out alone with friends and she would make mess about it all the time, while during our conversations he expressed he is monogamous and how he upset was about the behaviour of his friends, the cheatings etc. He is one of those I really felt to be genuine, he is more traditional guy, very intelligent and with clear goals in his life. I am happy he shared this about his ex with me, because it is exactly the issue i had with my ex we were the couple doing everything together all the time and I hated that I had no 5 min with my girlfriend to talk without him showing up and joining us. And another thing that goes to the account of a Brazilian men is that the majority I met whether it was a one night stand or a longer type of relationship, I could have always had great talks with them from the first moment about anything, sometimes very deep. With just 65,000 murders a year most causes are either drug-related or some type of misaligned passion. As a 16- year survivor of Brazilian mind fuckery better to avoid any long-term relationship involvement be it male or female with a Brazillian if you care about your own physical and MENTAL well being. Get a real dog. Like As a Brazilian girl who has lived abroad, I think you got a lot of it right. But woman to woman, I feel like that Brazilian boyfriend blamed a LOT of his shitty behavior to culture, expecting you to do what he thought was right. He was just being sexist and possessive and finding excuses for that. They are not doing that because they are Brazilians but because they are jerks. Abusive men are in every culture, unfortunately, so you have every right to be angry about being disrespected.